Tips For Saving Water In Residential Landscapes

Water is the strongest element of nature. It may seem as though we have plenty by looking into the ocean, rivers and lakes but in fact each year our water supply decreases due to not enough rainfall. We ourselves can help with wastage of water.

Here are 10 simple ways you can save water around the home;

  1. Firstly instead of watering down a driveway or sidewalk use a broom to remove all leaves and debris.
  2. Water your gardens in the early hours of the day or even late at night. This will reduce the amounts of evaporation that occurs.
  3. Use a specific nozzle on the hose that will switch off when water begins to leak.
  4. Try not to use a large amount of fertilizer on the lawn. Fertilizing requires loads of watering on a daily basis.
  5. Try to only water the grass every 4 to 7 days in the warmer months and 9 to 14 days during the colder months. This is all that is recommended.
  6. If you have water feature in your landscaped garden try to use a water system that recycles the same water. By doing this you are saving bucket loads of water.
  7. If you have a swimming pool in your yard consult your nearest pool retailer on purchasing a water saving pump.
  8. Never leave a sprinkler unattended. You may forget that it is switched on and let it run for hours. Sprinklers can waste gallons of water in a minimal amount of time.
  9. Try and plant flowers that do not require regular water.
  10. Use mulch that will retain moisture in the soil, saving you the hassle of watering it all the time.

Landscaping and Water

Landscapes main source of life is water. Landscapes thrive and survive off water. Without water there’d be no way flowers, trees, plants and grass would survive especially in high temperature areas.

The amount of water you feed your landscaping will depend on;

  • How large the area is.
  • Which type of grass you have.
  • What type of flowers and plants you have.
  • What type of lawn maintenance is needed?

Standing in your landscaped garden with a hose watering your plants can take up to hours when doing both the front and back areas. You will also be wasting a lot of water that could be used sensibly some where else.

Why Not Install Your Own Irrigation System?

An irrigation systems installed in your residential home will help with the maintenance of you wonderfully landscaped gardens. There are several types of irrigation systems.

Drip Irrigation System

This type of system is more suited to residential properties with smaller yards and landscaped gardens. Drip irrigation is suited for the watering of plants, flowers, trees and shrubs. They can b e installed right at the roots of the plants and flowers. Drip irrigations water flow is slow and drip like. It delivers the right amount of water daily, weekly or monthly without the wastage.

A drip irrigation system is easily installed just below the surface of the ground. Small trenches need to be dug out to insure that the system in secure. They can be set by a timer giving you the opportunity to have the gardens watered when you please.

Choosing the Right Irrigation System

Choosing the right irrigation system for your home or farm can be a tough choice. It is an important decision so of course you need to research the many different types of irrigation systems to find out which will best suit your needs. There are many components which make up an irrigation system, things like;

  • Sprinklers
  • Panels
  • Taps
  • PVC tape
  • Pipe’s
  • Pumps

Irrigation systems do not come assembled ready for installation. You can choose which type of components you would like to include in your system that will help you save water (most importantly), time and money.

Hopefully this information we have provided you with is helpful. So visit your local retailer who specialises in landscape irrigation systems and you too can help save water!

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